Akai ewi usb or tecontroller
Akai ewi usb or tecontroller

akai ewi usb or tecontroller
  1. #Akai ewi usb or tecontroller software
  2. #Akai ewi usb or tecontroller professional

Compatible files are typically named with the file extension. Opens a dialog box to browse for files to open. The menus allow you to do a few useful things. Each group is its own tab in the tool's GUI. The parameters are split into three categories: Setup, Performance, and Controller. 7.The AKAI EWI USB Configuration Tool allows you to configure your EWI USB via MIDI, and save/load configurations to standard sysex (.SYX) files.The controller is: ESSE MUSIC STORE SRL, via Piave 110 – 31044 Montebelluna (TV) Subsequently the data will be deleted from our archives or destroyed in compliance with current legislation. The personal data you provide will be processed and stored for the purposes set out in points 1a. The personal data you provide will be communicated to authorized third parties for the fulfillment of legal obligations and for the management of your request. Any refusal to provide such data could lead to failure or partial execution of the contract.

akai ewi usb or tecontroller

As part of the data processing described above it is necessary to know and memorize all the data necessary for the management of your request, such as, for example, the company's and personal details, telephone contact number, e-mail address, etc. Your personal data will be stored in our digital archives and in any case on the European territory.

akai ewi usb or tecontroller

The processing of personal data will be carried out both through IT tools and manually by specially appointed employees. The management your request of information about our products. The personal data you give to ESSE MUSIC STORE SRL, the controller, will be handled for the following purposes:Ī. 13 of GDPR 2016/679 we hereby transmit the following information: We would like to inform you that GDPR 2016/679 (regarding the protection of personal data) safeguards the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data.Īccording to the GDPR 2016/679, this data handling is based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights. Per adattarsi al tuo modo di suonare, l'EWI USB offre molteplici modalità di diteggiatura che includono sax, EWI, flauto, oboe e ottoni (EVI). La liberia dell'Aria Player contiene 75 differenti suoni suddivisi in più famiglie che comprendono suoni acustici, orchestrali e di sintesi.

#Akai ewi usb or tecontroller software

Grazie alla porta USB, il fiatista potrà registrarsi e suonare via MIDI gli strumenti virtuali stand-alone o plug-in presenti nel proprio computer senza dimenticare che con l'EWI USB viene fornito il software Aria Player by Garritan, che con- tiene una libreria di suoni programmata appositamente per ottenere le migliori prestazioni accoppiata all'EWI. AKAI ha prodotto l'EWI USB per fornire al musicista professionista la possibilità di interfacciarsi velocemente e in modo diretto ed intuitivo con i numerosi strumenti software computer based.

akai ewi usb or tecontroller

Da oltre 20 anni, Akai studia l'arte del suonare strumenti come il saxofono, clarinetto, oboe, fagotto e altri strumenti a fiato tradizionali, per sviluppare apparecchiature elettroniche che consentano all'utente di riprodurre fedelmente, e con la stessa espressività, quanto è solito eseguire con strumenti acustici.

#Akai ewi usb or tecontroller professional

Akai Professional è il marchio leader nel mercato degli stru- menti a fiato elettronici.

Akai ewi usb or tecontroller